Asia-Pacific Humanitarian Bulletin

September 2, 2024

Asia-Pacific Humanitarian Bulletin for September 2, 2024

Note: This is an information monitoring product and not a formal HADR Institute assessment


This bulletin provides a quick overview of recent humanitarian events and updates in the Asia-Pacific region, categorized by country and key humanitarian themes. The past five days have seen significant humanitarian and economic developments, including widespread flooding in Bangladesh, ongoing challenges in Afghanistan, and responses to natural disasters in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Papua New Guinea.

Theme Definitions:

Affected People: Focuses on the number of people affected by the humanitarian situation, including IDPs, refugees, returnees, and stateless persons.

Coordination & Context: Details on coordination efforts, context, and humanitarian access, including funding and conflict events.

Food Security & Nutrition: Information on food availability, access, and nutritional status.

Geography & Infrastructure: Details on geographical factors and infrastructure status.

Health & Education: Information on health services, disease outbreaks, and educational status.

Population & Socio-economy: Societal and economic impacts on the population.

Country Reports:


Millions affected as floods continue to sweep across Bangladesh, Publication Date: September 1, 2024, Affected People: Heavy monsoon rains have caused severe flooding in Bangladesh, affecting nearly 4.93 million people. Over 280,000 people are in emergency shelters, and thousands of buildings and homes have been damaged.

Australia and Canada contribute BDT 10 crore to BRAC for flood response, Publication Date: September 1, 2024, Coordination & Context: Australia and Canada have contributed BDT 10 crore to support flood response and rehabilitation efforts in Bangladesh, focusing on cash payments, repair of water and sanitation facilities, and emergency health services.


Afghanistan Protection Brief - August 2024, Publication Date: September 1, 2024, Population & Socio-economy: The socio-economic and human rights situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated significantly, with increased poverty, malnutrition, and a near-collapse of the national public health system. The rights of women and girls are also being systematically dismantled.

Afghanistan Situation: Afghan Returns | Weekly Update 25 August-31 August 2024, Publication Date: September 1, 2024, Affected People: The report details the return of Afghan nationals from Pakistan, categorizing the total numbers of returns by age, gender, and documentation type.

Papua New Guinea

Earthquake mag 6.6 in Autonomous Region Of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea (1 September 2024), Publication Date: September 1, 2024, Geography & Infrastructure: An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 struck the Autonomous Region of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea.

Sri Lanka

Drought Situation Report - Sri Lanka 02nd September 2024 at 0900hrs, Publication Date: September 1, 2024, Geography & Infrastructure: The report updates on the drought situation in Sri Lanka as of September 2, 2024.


Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA): Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Daily Situation Report (1 September 2024, Evening), Publication Date: September 1, 2024, Geography & Infrastructure: The report details the impact of heavy rains and floods in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, including damages and response efforts.


Disclaimer: This bulletin is for information monitoring purposes only and does not represent a formal assessment by the HADR Institute. Sources drawn from the Humanitarian Data Exchange and ReliefWeb.