HADR Institute Global Disaster Snapshot - Edition 020

An update on the humanitarian situation in Myanmar, Ukrainian children taken to Russian camps, and violence continues in Ethiopia's Amhara region

HADR Institute Global Disaster Snapshot - Edition 020

Welcome to this new edition of the HADRI GDS (020), 14 - 20 August 2023.

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A short reminder too that we are fundraising both via crowdfunding and sponsorships. Whether you can contribute or share with your networks, please stand with us and let’s make a difference together!

This report includes analyses on:

1️⃣ Myanmar | Humanitarian situation worsens, 17th August.

2️⃣ Ukraine | Deported Ukrainian children sent to Russian camps, 17th August.

3️⃣ Ethiopia | Civilian deaths as conflict escalates, 19th August.

1. Myanmar | Update on the humanitarian situation (17th August 23)

The Myanmar military coup has continued to see instability and deterioration of human security with restrictions remaining in place for the delivery of humanitarian aid. The HADR Institute reported the disruption of humanitarian aid flows in Myanmar on 29 Jun 23 which has continued to exacerbate human and health security. On 17 August 2023, the Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator expressed concerns about protection risks for civilians and the bureaucratic constraints that humanitarians face, calling for expanded humanitarian access and increased funding to assist the 18 million people in need of aid across Myanmar.

2. Ukraine | Deported Ukrainian children sent to Russian camps (17th August 23)

Approximately 20,000 Ukrainian children are estimated by Ukrainian officials to have been relocated to Russia. This figure is supported by the Ukrainian National Information Bureau however notes that the active hostilities make it impossible to predict an exact number. Some reports also indicate that the intentional displacement of Ukrainian children is occurring in Belarus.

3. Ethiopia | Civilian impact as violence escalates (19th August 23)

The security crisis in the Amhara region of Ethiopia is continuing into its third week. Months of violent protests culminating in clashes between the local Fano militia and the military prompted the Ethiopian government to declare a state of emergency in the region earlier this month.

Military forces are now reported to have retaken control of key cities which were seized by the Fano just two weeks ago. Local support for the Fano remains strong alongside widespread distrust of the government. A military airstrike is reported to have killed at least 26 people and wounded 55 more in a busy town square on Sunday, August 13th.

Access the full Global Disaster Snapshot by clicking the button below:

🎉 New HADRI Foundry demonstration video

We're excited to release a demonstration video of our state-of-the-art Disaster Intelligence Platform - the HADRI Foundry - which is integrated with our Disaster Intelligence Fusion Centre.

We aim to make understanding disaster risk scalable, accessible, intuitive and open to the public through:
🔍 An intuitive User Interface
📊 Robust data management tools
🌍 Dynamic Geospatial visualisation
📈 Detailed analytical reports and assessments
🔮 Our upcoming forecasting feature
🤝 Collaborative functions for partner organisations
🛰️ Data coordination capabilities for remote regions
🔥 Real-time hazard tracking

Experience the HADRI Foundry in action:

📣 Event reminder!

We’re thrilled to be collaborating with Young Australians in International Affairs, Square Circle, and 350 Pacific Climate Warriors to present the upcoming Australian Pacific Islander Youth Climate Action Workshop.

This event will bring together young leaders from Australia and the Pacific Islands to discuss how their perspectives may be harnessed in better policy to address the threat of climate change.

Book your spot here. 

👩‍🚒 How HADRI can help you/your organization

The HADR Institute has a broad number of contributors, with over 40 active members of diverse backgrounds and expertise. We can provide a range of services and analyses to on-the-ground organizations, NGOs and governments.

Access and read our capability statement here.

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