HADR Institute Global Disaster Snapshot - Edition 016

HADR Institute Global Disaster Snapshot - Edition 016

Welcome to this new edition of the HADRI GDS (016), 17-23 July 2023.

Thank you very much for reading and subscribing! Please feel free to reach out with requests or suggestions. We want this report to be yours and to contribute directly to addressing your needs for information.

A short reminder too that we are fundraising both via crowdfunding and sponsorships. Whether you can contribute or share with your networks, please stand with us and let’s make a difference together!

This report includes analyses on:

1️⃣ Europe and North America | Heatwaves breaking temperature records on 17th July.

2️⃣ China | Typhoon Talim makes landfall on 17th July.

3️⃣ Sudan | Humanitarian workers targeted amidst continuing violence, 20th July.

4️⃣ Europe | Russia withdraws from key grain deal on 21st July.

1. Europe and North America | Heavy rains and flooding (17 July 23)

Multiple areas in the North American and European regions have been experiencing severe weather since the beginning of summer, primarily through extreme temperatures, droughts and fires. Temperatures across southern Europe are especially severe, with the region facing record braking temperatures.

2. China | Typhoon Talim (17 July 23)

Typhoon Talim made landfall on the 17th of July, impacting China’s Guangdong province before moving into the Guangxi region on the 18th. The typhoon had a top speed of 130kph and a diameter of 176km. Chinese authorities shut down tourist centres and fishing villages along the coast and evacuated over 230,000 people from areas prior to the typhoon's impact.

3. Sudan | Humanitarian workers targeted in Sudan conflict (20 July 23)

The assault upon humanitarian aid organisations and relief workers continues in Sudan, culminating in a recent attack upon an 18-person supply team from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) also known as Doctors without Borders.

Martin Griffiths, the United Nations Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator has made a statement describing Sudan as “one of the world’s most difficult places for humanitarian workers to operate”.

It is unlikely that the targeting of humanitarian organisations and relief workers will be resolved in the short term.

4. Europe | Global wheat prices soar as Russia pulls out of key deal (21 July 23)

International wheat prices have risen sharply after Russia’s withdrawal from a key UN agreement. Known as the Black Sea Deal, ships from Ukraine’s agricultural sector were ensured safe passage through the Black Sea despite the ongoing conflict.

Countries in the Middle East and Africa are expected to be hardest hit with the World Food Program relying heavily on Ukraine’s grain. China, Spain and Turkey are also expected to be impacted, with more than half of the total grain exported under the Black Sea Deal being corn to these countries.

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👀 HADRI at the Disaster and Emergency Management Conference

The HADR Institute CEO, Mitchell King, attended the Australia and New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference (DEMC) in Queensland on the 11th and 12th of July. The DEMC brings together a cross-section of defence, emergency services, business and community services to promote inter-agency collaboration and unity.

Mitch presented a talk called ‘Leveraging Humanitarian and Disaster Intelligence for Effective Disaster Risk Reduction: A Comprehensive Approach’, exploring the critical role of humanitarian and disaster intelligence in providing a comprehensive understanding of disaster risk, enabling informed decision-making, and enhancing response efforts. Alongside this talk, Mitch connected with multiple key stakeholders from Disaster and Emergency Management from across Australia and New Zealand.

We’re excited to see what future opportunities for collaboration arise from this conference, and are heartened to see the sector coming together at such a critical time for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief around the world.

👩‍🚒 How HADRI can help you/your organization

The HADR Institute has a broad number of contributors, with over 40 active members of diverse backgrounds and expertise. We can provide a range of services and analyses to on-the-ground organizations, NGOs and governments.

Access and read our capability statement here.

🤝 HADRI needs you

Picture of a boy, stuck in mud, holding on to someones hand for them to help him get unstuck.

We are now fundraising and open to sponsorships.

With your generous support, we can expand the capabilities of our organization, including the growth of HADRI Foundry - a global disaster monitoring and analysis platform. This platform is designed to enhance the crisis response capacities of everyone, from individuals to multilateral organizations.

Your contributions will also foster the expansion of our disaster analysis team, enabling greater cooperation with a broad spectrum of response organizations. This support is critical for the development of innovative capabilities like deployable teams armed with advanced tools like drones for critical infrastructure damage assessments in remote areas.

By partnering with us, you are directly influencing global disaster response efforts - saving lives, aiding devastated communities, and rebuilding the affected areas. Your help brings hope and much-needed relief. Stand with us today and let's make a difference together.

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